LUMI supercomputer
The LUMI Consortium
ACC Cyfronet AGH coordinates Polish activities in the LUMI Consortium which built a pre-exascale supercomputer. The Finnish-led consortium, apart from Poland, also includes Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. More about the Consortium:
The LUMI Supercomputer
LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure) was installed at the CSC data center in Kajaani, Finland. It provides European science and the economy with 380 PetaFlop/s (380 * 1015 floating point operations per second) of sustained performance (550 PetaFlops of theoretical performance), which corresponds to the power of 1.5 million modern laptops with good configuration, and 117 PB of disk resources, specialized partitions and scientific software packages. By performing more computations in less time and processing models that are more precise than ever before, European scientists will be able to conduct research in areas previously unavailable to them. This, in turn, will lay the foundations for innovation and building a data economy. The LUMI supercomputer is comparable in size to a tennis court and is 100% powered by renewable energy. Detailed information on the LUMI supercomputer can be found at
Access to LUMI for Polish researchers
Thanks to fact that Poland become a member of the LUMI Consortium, Polish scientists will be able to use the LUMI supercomputer. This gives a chance to implement large, complex computational projects that require extremely precise modeling and processing of even more data in a shorter time than before. The access is provided by the PLGrid infrastructure: in order to take advantage of the LUMI computing grants, you must have an account in PLGrid Portal.
The year 2024
Regulations of the competition for access to computing resources on the LUMI supercomputer for Polish scientists in the year 2024 (PDF file, in Polish).
- Settlement of competition PLL/2024/07 for for scientists from Poland computational grants implemented on the LUMI supercomputer
- [Archival] Competition nr PLL/2024/07 for computing grants on the LUMI supercomputer for scientists from Poland in 2024
- Settlement of competition PLL/2024/06 for for scientists from Poland computational grants implemented on the LUMI supercomputer
- [Archival] Competition nr PLL/2024/06 for computing grants on the LUMI supercomputer for scientists from Poland in 2024
The year 2023
- [Archival] Competition nr PLL/2023/05 for computing grants on the LUMI supercomputer for scientists from Poland
- Announcement on the competition results (PLL/2023/05)
- [Archival] Competition nr PLL/2023/04 for computing grants on the LUMI supercomputer for scientists from Poland
- Announcement on the competition results (PLL/2023/04)
The year 2022
Competition for pilot projects
From late 2021 to early 2022 pilot computational grants were launched to test the capabilities of the LUMI infrastructure. Poland, as a member of the consortium, submitted projects of potentially significant importance, requiring the use of a large number of computing cores and massive storage resources. Pilot projects were selected through competitions and were implemented in two stages:
- CPU-based projects (data intensive computing, high-throughput computing and high-performance data analysis workloads) - autumn 2021 - 2 projects from Poland (the competition has been resolved)
- Highly-scalable GPU applications - beginning of 2022- 3 projects from Poland
The evaluation of applications and selection of the competition winners was based on formal, technical and substantive criteria, in accordance with the Competition Regulations available below and on the PLGrid Portal, in the Grants / LUMI Projects tab (after logging in).
Phase 1 - CPU
- Announcement of the competition for pilot projects - phase 1: CPU (in Polish)
- Regulations of the competition for LUMI pilot computational grants - phase 1: CPU (download PDF file)
- Announcemet of the competition results - phase 1: CPU (in Polish)
Phase 2 - GPU
- Announcement of the competition for pilot projects - phase 1: CPU (in Polish)
- Regulations of the competition for LUMI pilot computational grants - phase 1: CPU (download PDF file)
- The change in the regulations regarding the postponement of the contest settlement date (in Polish)
- The 2nd change in the regulations regarding the postponement of the contest settlement date (in Polish)
News about LUMI
For the latest news about LUMI please visit: