Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH ACK Cyfronet AGH
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About us

Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH was established in 1973. Foundation of the Centre was given by the Krakow University Rectors' College members, which in 1971 put forward a proposal to the state authorities to purchase a modern, large and multi-access computer for the Krakow scientific community and create the inter-university computer centre. Formally, the Centre was established on March 23, 1973 by the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Technology under the name Community Computational Centre CYFRONET-KRAKOW. Under this name the Centre operated until 1992, when it was renamed to the Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET-KRAKOW. Another name change took place in December 1998. ACK CYFRONET-KRAKOW converted to the Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET of the University of Science and Technology (ACK CYFRONET AGH). Since 1999, the Centre has been organizationally and financially separate unit of the AGH-UST in Krakow, and now it is one of the largest supercomputing and networking centers in Poland.

Tasks and mission of the ACC Cyfronet AGH

Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH is established by the National Committee for Scientific Research as the unit leader in the operation and development of the hardware base of the high performance computers (HPC) as well as the urban and academic computer network (Metropolitan Area Network – MAN). The most important task realized by Cyfronet is to provide telecommunication and computing services for the entire scientific community of Krakow and Malopolska province to support conducting of scientific research.

ACK Cyfronet AGH, as a specialized competence center of in the field of distributed computing cloud and grid infrastructures, has unique experience in building, maintaining and developing integrated service platforms for scientific users. Cyfronet is the organizer and leader of the PLGrid Consortium, consolidating national computing resources for science and providing a number of unique IT support services. The Centre also acts as an administrator of the Metropolitan Area Network in Krakow and is an important hub of the PIONIER network.

The tasks of the Centre include:

  • providing computing power and other IT services to research teams and educational institutions,
  • conducting scientific research and R&D activities, either alone or in cooperation with other units, mainly in the field of high performance computers, computer networks and IT and telecommunications services,
  • actions to achieve the objectives and programs of the Polish government, contained in the assumptions of the ministries responsible for science and education, in the field of usage of the new information techniques and technologies in science, education, management and business,
  • construction, maintenance and development of the IT infrastructure operated by the Centre,
  • studies, analyses and implementations of new techniques and technologies, which could be potentially used in the design, construction and operation of an IT infrastructure,
  • advice, expertise, training and staff skills improvement as well as other activities in the field of computer science, computer networks, high performance computers and computer services,
  • identifying, evaluation and promotion of new solutions in the scope of the own activities of the Centre, to be used in the field of science, education, administration, economy and management,
  • providing computing power, ICT infrastructure and other services - based on the Centre's potential - to entities interested in their implementation or use,
  • conducting the payable research and cooperation with the economy in the area and for innovating solutions.


While carrying out its tasks, Academic Computer Centre AGH CYFRONET has developed a number of achievements. The most important of these are presented below:


  • For the first time in the history of Polish computer science, four supercomputers from one Polish computing centre (Helios GPU, Athena, Helios CPU and Ares) are ranked on the TOP500 list.
  • Helios GPU (89,760 cores, 30.44 PFlops) for the first time on the TOP500 list and ranks 55th place (the June edition).
  • Athena (6,144 cores, 7.7 PFlops) for the fifth time on the TOP500 list and ranks 177th place (the June edition).
  • Helios CPU (75,264 cores, 3.35 PFlops) for the second time on the TOP500 list and ranks 305th place (the June edition).
  • Ares (37,824 cores, 4 PFlops) for the seventh time on the TOP500 list and ranks 442nd place (the June edition).
  • Helios GPU ranks 3rd place on the Green500 list (the June edition).
  • Meetween, EOSC Beyond, EPICURE and FF Plus projects launched.


  • Cyfronet AGH honored with the Polonia Minor Award.
  • Helios CPU (during installation) for the first time on the TOP500 list and ranks 290th place (the November edition).
  • Ares (37,824 cores, 4 PFlops) for the fifth and sixth time on the TOP500 list and ranks 362nd place (the June edition) and 403rd place (the November edition).
  • Athena (6,144 cores, 7.7 PFlops) for the third and fourth time on the TOP500 list and ranks 123rd place (the June edition) and 154th place (the November edition).
  • The 50th anniversary of Cyfronet.
  • DOME, EuroCC 2, EUreka3D, PIONIER-Q projects launched.


  • Athena supercomputer with theoretical peak performance 7.7 PFlops is deployed in Cyfronet.
  • For the first time in the history of Polish computer science, three supercomputers from one Polish computing centre (Athena, Ares and Prometheus) are ranked on the TOP500 list.
  • Prometheus (53,748 cores, 2.65 PFlops) for the fifteenth time on the TOP500 list and ranks 475th place (the June edition).
  • Ares (37,824 cores, 4 PFlops) for the third and fourth time on the TOP500 list and ranks 290th place (the June edition) and 323rd place (the November edition).
  • Athena (6,144 cores, 7.7 PFlops) for the first and second time on the TOP500 list and ranks 105th place (the June edition) and 113th place (the November edition).
  • Inauguration of the LUMI supercomputer.
  • EDITH, EUMaster4HPC, FAIRCORE4EOSC, EuroScienceGateway, InterTwin, DT-GEO and Geo-INQUIRE projects launched.
