Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH ACK Cyfronet AGH
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Current international projects

This section contains only basic information about projects. Detailed information about specific projects, including sources of funding and mandatory logos, can be found on the project home pages and here.

FF Plus
Full name:
Fortissimo Plus
01.05.2024 – 30.04.2028
The FFplus project aims to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in Europe to conduct experiments using High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI) methods to improve their competitiveness and innovation potential.
The project will organize six open calls for experiments, three of which will be dedicated to HPC applications, and another three will target SMEs and start-ups working on generative AI. The project's deliverables include the regular publication of success stories from the experiments that will show the benefits of HPC in SMEs' business models, and innovation reports that will demonstrate the impact of generative AI applications on company growth. In addition, the project will help understand the needs of SMEs and industry in the use of HPC and AI, which will provide valuable information not only to the participants of the experiments, but also to the entire European HPC ecosystem.

ACC Cyfronet AGH is responsible for conducting R&D work in support of experiments using supercomputing infrastructure

Contact: Marek Magryś, e-mail: m.magrys (at), phone: (+48) 12-632-33-55 int. 606
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Full name:
High-level specialised application support service in High-Performance Computing (HPC)
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2028
The main objective of the EPICURE project is to establish support activity for EuroHPC user applications at Level 2 and Level 3. The existing support groups organized by supercomputer centres hosting EuroHPC JU supercomputers have not provided such services so far. As part of the project, a support group will be established, Application Support Team (AST), whose main task will be to cooperate with the EuroHPC JU application evaluation office and directly support projects that have obtained computing time on EuroHPC JU resources. The main tasks undertaken by AST are:

  • installing required user applications on supercomputing resources,
  • analyzing the effectiveness of customized software,
  • analyzing the dependence of scaling complexity on the size of the research problem,
  • adaptation of codes to existing numerical libraries,
  • optimization of codes for efficiency of access to storage resources offered by EuroHPC JU supercomputers,
  • optimization of the computational efficiency of calculations.

ACC Cyfronet AGH is carrying out all the project's main activities with a special focus on adapting scientific applications to EuroHPC JU supercomputer architectures and improving their scalability.

Contact: Mariusz Sterzel, e-mail: m.sterzel (at), phone: (+48)126333426
More info:


EOSC Beyond
Full name:
EOSC Beyond: advancing innovation and collaboration for research
The EOSC Beyond project aims to provide a new alternative to open science and tools for science in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) context by providing a new EOSC Core platform feature. The planned improvements are intended to enable scientific applications to find, compose and access open science resources and offer them as integrated solutions.

ACC Cyfronet AGH is responsible for expert support and providing solutions in the field of new EOSC functionalities for scientists, in particular:
• the possibility of creating a dedicated work environment for various scientific disciplines, based on the EOSC offer and the services and data contained therein (resource composability),
• dynamically running scientific applications on shared resources,
• social functionalities in EOSC,
• working with ontologies and data annotation in EOSC to improve the quality of metadata of scientific products for their automated processing in scientific infrastructures, including EOSC.

Contact: Roksana Wilk, e-mail: r.wilk (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: My Personal AI Mediator for Virtual MEETtings BetWEEN People
Duration: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2027
Aim: The Meetween project aims to build the science-based technology solutions needed to power Europe's next generation of video conferencing platforms and support and facilitate business collaboration across the European Union. Comprehensive, integrated algorithmic capabilities offered by fundamental models and self-supervised training on large data sets will be used to adapt agilely to the participant's context, cultural and regional specificities, including linguistic ones. Protecting the European vision of artificial intelligence is also an important aspect of the project.

The main role of Cyfronet in the Meetween project is to enable the launch of the machine learning process on a large scale using the HPC infrastructure. Tools will be created to test the efficiency and correctness of AI models. The ranking, which will be created automatically, will make it easier for scientists to decide on further training, optimisation and development of AI models.

Contact: Marek Kasztelnik, e-mail: m.kasztelnik (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: 
Towards GEMINI: A Generation of Multi-scale Digital Twins of Ischaemic and Haemorrhagic Stroke Patients
01.12.2023 – 30.11.2029
The GEMINI project aims to provide validated multi-organ and multi-scale computational models to support therapeutic decisions and improve fundamental understanding of ischemic and hemorrhagic acute strokes. Precisely, GEMINI will deliver validated, integrated, multi-scale, multi-organ Digital Twin in Healthcare (DTH) models for cerebral blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow, brain perfusion and metabolism, blood flow and thrombosis along the heart-brain axis by integrating available and newly developed dynamic, interoperable and modular computational models.

ACC Cyfronet AGH is responsible for co-creating good practices for producing complex medical computer models, considering their ability to run on HPC resources and standardising their input and output parameters. Based on the prepared practices, virtual twin models will be created, which will then be tested on a large scale - the same model will be used for a large cohort of patients using the HPC infrastructure.

Contact: Marek Kasztelnik, e-mail: m.kasztelnik (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: PIONIER-Q Polish Quantum Communication Infrastructure
Duration: 01.02.2023 - 31.07.2025
Aim: The PIONIER-Q consortium is a response to the EuroQCI initiative. PIONIER-Q combines the activities of the Polish Quantum Communication Infrastructure community. The PIONIER-Q project aims to provide a quantum critical distribution infrastructure and a quantum communication network using the existing fibre infrastructure of the PIONIER network. Encryptors and devices for quantum key distribution (QKD) will be installed at selected network points. QKD devices will send a symmetric encryption key to the encryptors in both locations over dedicated optical fibres. This key changes its form cyclically and will be used to encrypt data transmitted between locations that send their data via a standard transmission channel. The quantum encryption key will be sent via a quantum channel, so according to the principles of quantum mechanics, it will not be possible to intercept information sent via such a channel. Spying on the quantum transmission will damage the key, which will become useless, and the surveillance layer will notify about such an event. The QKD Quantum Key technology will add a layer of security to the encryptors, thus dramatically increasing the protection of the transmitted data.

Contact: Karol Krawentek, e-mail: k.krawentek (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: European Union's REKonstructed content in 3D
Duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024
Aim: EUreka3D implements an approach to the digital transformation of the CH (Cultural Heritage) sector based on providing services and tools compliant with Europeana CSP, supported by advanced computing and data storage resources. The goal is to register a high-quality 3D digitisation service with the EOSC. It is planned to collect over 4,000 new digital content in 2D and 3D through the implementation of the entire cycle, from the initial selection of the content of physical objects to publication in the Digital Space of Cultural Heritage. Eureka3D will build a cloud environment for content from the CH area, processing and collecting high-quality content, allowing the launching of virtual spaces for an interdisciplinary and cross-sector community cooperating with the Cultural Heritage area.

Cyfronet will be responsible for building innovative solutions for managing 2D and 3D content data and processing input data for digitisation using cloud computing infrastructure and HPC computing environments.

Contact: Łukasz Dutka, e-mail: l.dutka (at), phone: (+48)126333426
More info: website in progress.


Full name: National Competence Centers in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2
Duration: 01.01.2023-31.12.2025
Aim: EuroHPC is a joint venture of European countries and the European Commission (EuroHPC JU), aimed at building exascale computing infrastructure in Europe. As part of this project, a network of National EuroHPC Competence Centres is created, whose task is to support scientific research in the industry with the participation of researchers from the academic community and using computing resources provided by EuroHPC supercomputers. The mission of EuroCC 2 is to continue the creation of a network of National Competence Centers (NCCs) in Europe. The main objective is to increase cooperation, and exchange of best practices and knowledge at the European level and to accelerate the improvement of national and thus European HPC service delivery capabilities. National Competence Centers provide services to users from industry, academia and public administration.

Cyfronet's task in the EuroCC 2 project is the further development of the Polish National Competence Centre based on the partners of the PLGrid Consortium (ICM, PSNC, WCSS, CI TASK, NCBJ):

  • project coordination,
  • supporting stakeholders from the industry, public sector and academia in the implementation of HPC technologies,
  • increasing the use of HPC technologies among SMEs in order to increase their innovative potential, improving the recognition of existing offers and services of HPC centers for SMEs and industry,
  • expanding the training portfolio,
  • creating a catalogue of services including offers from HPC centres and other key HPC services and technologies from Polish suppliers,
  • creating the Train the Trainers program for Polish NCC partners,
  • raising awareness among various stakeholders, including centers of excellence (CoE) and European digital innovation hubs (eDIH) in Poland and abroad.

Contact: Marek Magryś, e-mail: m.magrys (at), phone: (+48)126333426
More info: (the main initiative website), - NCC Poland website



Full name: A Distributed Open Marketplace for Europe Cloud and Edge Services
Duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Aim: Cloud computing is recognized as a central element of Europe's digital future, giving European enterprises and public organizations the data processing technology they need to support their digital transformation. The European Commission has therefore stepped up its efforts to support the take-up of the cloud in Europe as part of its strategy, in particular by committing to ‘facilitating the creation of a market for cloud services for EU users in the private and public sectors’. The implementation of the DOME project will deliver means of access to trusted services, in particular cloud and edge services, building blocks deployed under the common service platform, and, more generally, all software and data services developed under EU programs such as the Digital Europe Programme, Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe. Building on the Gaia-X program and open standards, DOME will provide a technical complement to the Digital Europe program supporting the development and adoption of trusted Cloud and Edge services in Europe. The project will provide a single access point allowing customers and service providers to meet each other based on trust. ACC Cyfronet AGH will be responsible for the integration of solutions related to data markets as well as service and data portals. The implemented tasks will be based on the integration of system solutions previously implemented by ACC Cyfronet AGH in the EOSC environment. The aim of these actions is to make solutions available not only to scientists but also to industry.
Contact: Łukasz Dutka, e-mail: l.dutka (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: An Ecosystem for DIgital Twins in Healthcare
Duration: 01.10.2022 – 31.12.2024
Aim: The main goal of the EDITH project is to support the development of ecosystems for so-called 'digital twins' in healthcare in Europe. As part of the project, the architecture of an integrated system will be developed to implement the concept of the "digital twin" of man, based on standardised metadata and models, as well as a vision of its further development. Based on this, a cloud-based federated repository of computational models and data will be created using currently available resources and best practices. The conditions for integration in the repository will be identified regarding the required standards, regulations and metadata. To validate the developed ecosystem concept, the framework of the simulation platform will be presented. User communities (healthcare professionals, patients, academia and industry) will be actively involved in this process to ensure that their needs are incorporated into the proposed ecosystem architecture.
Contact: Marian Bubak, e-mail: bubak (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch
Duration: 1.10.2022 – 30.09.2026
Aim: The project will provide new or significantly improved access to key observations, data products and services that enable the monitoring and simulation of dynamic processes in the geosphere at an unprecedented level of detail and precision, both spatially and temporally. Thanks to the Geo-INQUIRE project, scientists from all over Europe will have access to huge amounts of data as well as the most modern numerical models and defined data flows using HPC calculations. As a result, it will allow a better understanding of the fundamental processes occurring in the Earth's system, in particular those related to geohazards, while leading to an increased capacity for the sustainable and safe development and use of geosources.
Contact: Joanna Kocot, e-mail: j.kocot (at), phone: (+48)126323355
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Full name: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes
Duration: 1.09.2022 – 31.08.2025
Aim: The project aims to implement a prototype of the so-called Digital Twin (DT) for geophysical stress testing, consisting of interrelated components addressing threats from earthquakes (natural or anthropogenic), volcanoes and earthquake tsunamis and landslides.
Contact: Joanna Kocot, e-mail: j.kocot (at), phone: (+48)126323355
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Full name: An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for Science
Duration: 1.09.2022 - 31.08.2025
Aim: InterTwin co-designs and implements a prototype for an interdisciplinary solution called Digital Twin Engine (DTE), an open-source platform that provides generic and customized modelling and simulation software components to integrate application-specific digital twins (DT). Its specifications and implementation are based on a jointly designed conceptual model – the DTE blueprint architecture – guided by the principles of open standards and interoperability. The aim is to develop a common approach to DT implementation that will be applicable across the spectrum of scientific disciplines to facilitate their future development and collaboration.
Contact: Łukasz Dutka, e-mail: l.dutka (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: EuroScienceGateway - leveraging the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles
Duration: 1.09.2022 - 31.08.2025
Aim: EuroScienceGateway will use a distributed computing network in 13 European countries, accessible through 6 national, user-friendly web portals, facilitating access to computing and storage infrastructures across Europe, as well as data, tools, workflows and services that can be adapted to the needs of scientists. The results of the work will be integrated into the EOSC-Core environment. The adoption, development and implementation of interoperable technologies between services will enable scientists to create high-quality FAIR-compliant data accessible to all at EOSC. Communities across disciplines – life sciences, climate and biodiversity, astrophysics, materials science – will demonstrate the transition from EOSC technical services to scientific analysis. Cyfronet will be responsible for the integration of Onedata's distributed data management platform solutions with the infrastructure of the Euro Science Gateway.
Contact: Łukasz Dutka, e-mail: l.dutka (at), phone: (+48)126333426
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Full name: Core Components Supporting a FAIR EOSC
Duration: 1.06.2022 – 31.05.2025
Aim: The main goal of the project is to provide an open and fully operational FAIR EOSC ecosystem. The project aims to expand the EOSC infrastructure with components supporting the FAIR paradigm (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability). In addition to the tools verifying compliance with FAIR and enabling the implementation of the principles underlying it, the groups of experts involved will provide:

  • solutions supporting data storage, adding new repositories to EOSC and advanced metadata management for scientific projects,
  • a federated search engine (EOSC Search Service) that allows you to search for data published in the repositories made available in EOSC,
  • expansion of the EOSC PiD Graph tool that allows you to track the relationships between scientific objects in EOSC (for example between data and publications),
  • Scalable PiD Metaresolver allowing access to derived science facilities from various PiD systems and from various PiD suppliers,
  • the first version of a generic and scalable infrastructure that allows you to store information about scientific objects derived from all PiD systems that are associated with EOSC,
  • services and tools to support researchers with the archiving, linking and description of EOSC science objects.

Contact: Roksana Wilk, e-mail: r.wilk (at), phone: (+48)126323355
More info:


Full name: European Master for High Performance Computing
Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
Aim: The aim of the project is to define and develop a new and innovative European Master's degree program focusing on HPC. In principle, the program will equip students with HPC competences and knowledge required by academia and industry.
The detailed goals of the project are:

  • effectively disseminating core HPC knowledge in scientific and industrial fields by educating graduate-level specialists and future leaders in HPC technology and applications to fill a gap in the human resource market,
  • the synthesis and transfer of scientific knowledge that enables the wider use of HPC for the needs of European society and economy.
  • defining a balanced Master's degree program in HPC applicable in all European countries.
Contact: Renata Słota, e-mail: rena (at)
More info:

This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101051997. The JU receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Czechia, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus, Switzerland, Turkey.


Full name: EPOS European Research Infrastructure Consortium
Duration: 01.06.2021 - 31.12.2040
Aim: The main task of EPOS is to integrate diverse and dispersed European Research Infrastructures in solid Earth sciences, based on modern IT technologies. As a result, EPOS will enable innovative and multidisciplinary research to better understand the physical and chemical processes on Earth that affect the formation of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ground instability, tsunamis, as well as processes related to tectonic movements and dynamic deformations on the Earth's surface. EPOS has now entered the operational phase of the infrastructure built under the EPOS PP and EPOS-IP projects. It is assumed that the operational phase of the EPOS infrastructure is to last until 2040, but it is possible to extend it. As part of it, the resources of the thematic nodes are made operational. Poland provides a thematic node of TCS AH (Thematic Core Services Anthropogenic Hazard).
Contact: Mariusz Sterzel, e-mail: m.sterzel (at), phone: (+48)12 6323355, ext. 317.
More info:


Full name: Long Product Quality Optimisation through Enhancement and Utilisation of Residual Stress minimising Process Strategies
Duration: 1.07.2020 - 31.10.2024
Aim: The project aims to implement models and a number of numerical simulations based on high-performance computer architectures for the design of the manufacturing process of metal long elements. The project will develop numerical methods allowing for the prediction of residual stresses during production and optimization procedures enabling the selection of the best process parameters. The computational methods are so complex and advanced that without the use of HPC architectures it will not be possible to perform the tests.
Contact: Łukasz Rauch, e-mail: lrauch (at), phone: (+48 12) 632 33 55



Full name: Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy
Duration: 1.08.2019 - 31.07.2026
Aim: The goal of the project is to create a computational medicine centre in Krakow. The Centre will be the main driver of European progress in this fast-growing sector, developing advanced engineering methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and meeting the global need for radically improved healthcare systems.
Contact: Marian Bubak, e-mail: bubak (at), phone: (+48 12) 328 33 56
More info:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857533 and from the International Research Agendas Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science No MAB PLUS/2019/13.


Full name: The Large Unified Modern Infrastructure
Duration: 01.06.2019 - 31.12.2026
Aim: The Large Unified Modern Infrastructure is a joint venture of 10 European countries to make the resources of the LUMI supercomputer operational for the research community in Europe. The supercomputer will offer approximately 550 PetaFlops theoretical computing power. The supercomputer architecture is based on 64-core AMD EPYC processors and AMD Radeon Instinct graphics processors.
Contact: Mariusz Sterzel, e-mail: m.sterzel (at), phone: (+48)12 6323355, ext. 317.
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