Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH ACK Cyfronet AGH
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Training & Experts

The ACK Cyfronet AGH team has vast experience in organizing and conducting specialized training courses and workshops related to High-Performance Computing (HPC). Key training areas include:

  • Effective use of HPC resources;
  • Programming HPC Applications;
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning;
  • Analysis of large data sets;
  • Specialized domain-specific training

The training portfolio includes both basic topics, such as: "Introduction to Scientific High-Performance Computing" and "Fundamentals of Using Python in Science", as well as more advanced training, such as: "Efficient usage of HPC systems in Scientific Computing" and "Analyzing Huge Data Sets with Big Data Methods," or courses on parallelization and scattering of numerical calculations. In addition, Cyfronet's experts conduct specialized courses on, among other things, programming of GPGPU graphics cards, the use of machine learning in scientific data analysis, or ways to optimize scientific software.

Some of the training is offered in cooperation with suppliers of computing hardware and software, such as software optimization using Intel tools or bootcamps with NVIDIA.

Each training course is tailored to the needs of a specific user group. Trainers employed at ACK Cyfronet AGH also conduct training courses for external companies, passing on their experience and skills for example in using GPGPU graphics cards for numerical calculations.

In addition, every year ACK Cyfronet AGH organizes the Conference of the High Performance Computers' Users, during which users can participate in a dedicated training course on topics related to the Center's computing infrastructure, present their results and participate in discussions about efficient scientific computing and optimization of software and computing infrastructure.

Contact for training organization: training (at)

Cyfronet experts

Cyfronet's potential is built by cooperating teams of specialists, including several dozen people representing the research and development sphere. Thanks to its participation in numerous European initiatives, Cyfronet has gained experience allowing it to effectively support representatives of science and business in solving problems requiring the use of computing power, memory resources, scientific software or cloud computing.

Key areas of specialization include:

  • Administration of supercomputing systems (since 2008 our computers have invariably been present on the TOP 500 list);
  • Administration of data storage systems;
  • Network development and maintenance (operator of the Municipal Computer Network in Krakow);
  • Management of mail servers, domains, and network services;
  • Use of machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms;
  • User support of supercomputing systems (from the stage of research design, through calculations, to effective processing of the obtained results);
  • Development of applications and portals for data processing based on supercomputing resources.

How can we help?

Researchers interested in performing calculations based on Cyfronet's infrastructure can register with the PLGrid Portal: 

A catalog of available software packages, services, scientific libraries and other IT tools is available at: Support for users is provided by the Helpdesk: 

Representatives of public administration and industry interested in establishing cooperation can contact us directly at: (cyfronet (at)