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  • The Polish project implemented on the LUMI supercomputer sheds new light on research into quantum mechanics

The Polish project implemented on the LUMI supercomputer sheds new light on research into quantum mechanics

Submitted by Prof. Gabriel Wlazłowski (Warsaw University of Technology), the project "Turbulent Dynamics in superfluid Fermi Systems" was the highest-rated project submitted to the Polish competition for pilot computing grants implemented on the LUMI supercomputer (phase 2 - GPU).

Using the computing power of LUMI, scientists made valuable observations in the field of quantum mechanics, with particular emphasis on quantum turbulence in superfluids. According to Prof. Wlazłowski, the calculations carried out have the potential to support research in the field of astrophysics, including an even better understanding of the processes taking place inside neutron stars.

On the LUMI supercomputer website an article with the statements of scientists implementing the project has been published - we invite you to read it.

At the same time, we congratulate the team of Prof. Wlazłowski, on the careful preparation of research, effective use of available resources and very promising preliminary results!

Until July 5, 2023, applications are being accepted for projects with one-year standard access to the computing resources of the LUMI supercomputer. Access is possible for the researchers with active affiliation in PLGrid Portal. Details in the dedicated announcement.