Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe Cyfronet AGH ACK Cyfronet AGH
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On November 15, 2022, during The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC'22) in Dallas (USA) the latest TOP500 list of supercomputers with the highest computing power in the world was announced. The list includes two supercomputers operating in Cyfronet: Athena and Ares. The autumn TOP500 list (top500.org) is a sixth one, which includes more than one Cyfronet's supercomputer.
ACC Cyfronet AGH announces a competition for access to CPU and GPU resources on the LUMI supercomputer for Polish researchers.
The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has selected five new sites across the European Union (EU) to host and operate the next generation of EuroHPC supercomputers: Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, and Poland.
On May 30, 2022, during the ISC High-Performance conference in Hamburg, the latest TOP500 list of supercomputers with the highest computing power in the world was announced. For the first time in history, the list simultaneously includes three supercomputers from one Polish computing centre. These are those operating in Cyfronet: Athena, Ares, and Prometheus.