Kraków, Poland
O c t o b e r  13 - 15, 2008


CGW'08 Proceedings
Editors: Marian Bubak, Michal Turala, Kazimierz Wiatr
ACC CYFRONET AGH, Krakow, March 2009
ISBN 978-83-61433-00-2
Preface and Table of Contents

KEYNOTE Speakers
Mário Campolargo, EU IST Brussels, Belgium
e-Science grids: where does Europe stand?
Denis Caromel, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, INRIA, CNRS, IUF, France
Grid Component Model and ProActive Parallel Suite for Science:
Bridging Distributed and Multi-Core Computing
Ewa Deelman, Information Sciences Institute and Computer Science Department,
University of Southern California, USA

Clouds: An Opportunity for Scientific Applications?
Fabrizio Gagliardi, Microsoft Research, Switzerland
Grid Computing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
INVITED Speakers
Krzysztof Góźdź, Hewlett Packard, Grid from Business Perspective
ICS and ACC Cyfronet AGH, Kraków, Poland
Environment for Collaborative e-Science Applications

 The best CGW'08 posters...

O b j e c t i v e s  &  T o p i c s

The main objective of the Cracow Grid Workshops, which were initiated in 2001, is to support the community of researchers, developers, and practitioners who work in the fascinating field of e-Science, grid systems, and their applications.

CGW'08 will address the following topics:

e-Science, system-level science and collaborative applications,
models, methods and tools for collaborative applications development,
virtual laboratories and problem solving environments,
knowledge in e-Science and grid systems,
virtual organizations and security aspects,
resource management and scheduling,
monitoring and information management,
software engineering aspects,
industrial and social implications.

CGW'08, as the Central European Grid Consortium event, will be an opportunity for overview of research in the main European and national grid projects. This year Workshop will especially address the issues of National and European Grid Initiatives. At the first day of the Workshop presentations of several NGI's, as well as EGI-DS are foreseen. The speakers will include: P. Aerts, N. Geddes, J. Gomes, J. Kitowski, D. Kranzlmueller, J. Marco, M. Mazzucato, A. Read, U. Schwiegelshohn, G. Wormser.

Organizers: ACC Cyfronet AGH

ACC Cyfronet AGH
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Computer Science AGH
Institute of Computer
Science AGH