N o v e m b e r  20 - 23, 2005
Cracow, Poland

Venue: IFJ PAN, Kraków, Radzikowskiego 152

A g e n d a
Sunday, November 20, 2005
 13:30 - 18:00 GridMiner Tutorial   ( AGH, Mickiewicza 30, pav. C-2, room 215, 2nd floor )
Peter Brezany, Ivan Janciak, Alexander Woehrer and Ibrahim Elsayed
 18:30 - 20:00 Opening Reception at Aula AGH
Monday, November 21, 2005
   8:15 -   9:00 Registration
   9:00 -   9:20 Opening; objectives; Grids in ACC Cyfronet AGH
Presentation (PowerPoint: 3.2MB)
   9:20 - 10:40 Session K1 - Chair: Michal Turala
   9:20 - 10:00 Keynote lecture: Virtualization in Metasystems
Vaidy Sunderam
Presentation (PowerPoint: 2.9MB)
 10:00 - 10:40 Keynote lecture: EGEE: Status and Future of the Worlds Largest Grid Infrastructure
Dieter Kranzlmüller
Presentation (PowerPoint: 3.4MB)
 10:40 - 11:10 coffee
 11:10 - 12:10 Session I1 - Chair: Vaidy Sunderam
 11:10 - 11:40 Invited lecture: Using CLUSTERIX: National Cluster of Linux Systems
Roman Wyrzykowski
Presentation (PowerPoint: 12.1MB)
 11:40 - 12:10 Invited lecture: Fighting Cancer with the Grid
Jarek Nabrzyski
 12:10 - 12:30 K-WfGrid Demo
Bartosz Kryza, Tomasz Gubala, Lukasz Dutka, Bartosz Balis
 12:30 - 13:00 Poster Session - Chair: Marian Bubak
 13:00 - 14:10 lunch
 14:10 - 15:50 Session C1 - Chair: Roman Wyrzykowski Session C2 - Chair: Jarek Nabrzyski
 14:10 - 14:30 PeerThing: P2P-based Semantic Resource Discovery
Felix Heine, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Kerstin Voss
Presentation (PowerPoint: 1.1MB)
On-line Performance Tunning of Grid Applications - a Case Study
Tomasz Szepieniec, Marian Bubak
 14:30 - 14:50 Adapting the Development Model of the Grid Anatomy to Meet the Needs of Various Application Domains
Soha Maad, Brian Coghlan, Gabrielle Pierantoni, Eamonn Kenny, John Ryan, Ronan Watson
Presentation (PowerPoint: 1.9MB)
DG-ADAJ: a Java Computing Platform for Desktop Grid
Richard Olejnik, Bernard Toursel, Marek Tudruj, Eryk Laskowski
 14:50 - 15:10 Cumulus - Dynamic Cluster Available under Clusterix
Jan Kwiatkowski, Marcin Pawlik, Roman Wyrzykowski, Konrad Karczewski
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.2MB)
Autobuilding Multiple Ports of Computing Nodes for Grid Computing
Eamonn Kenny, Brian Coghlan, John Walsh, Stephen Childs, David O'Callaghan, Geoff Quigley
 15:10 - 15:30 Data Management and the InteliGrid User Scenarios
Matevz Dolenc, Z. Turk, Erik Balaton, Krzysztof Kurowski
Presentation (PDF: 7.2MB)
An Architecture Based on a Social-Economic Approach for Flexible Grid Resource Allocation
Gabriele Pierantoni, Eamonn Kenny, Brian Coghlan
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.3MB)
 15:30 - 15:50 Support for Automatic Workflow Composition Based on Ontologies in Semantic Grid Environment
Tomasz Gubala, Marian Bubak, Maciej Malawski
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.3MB)
An API for Building New Clients for UNICORE
Roger Menday, Lidia Kirtchakova, Bernd Schuller
 15:50 - 16:20 coffee
 16:20 - 17:40 Session C3 - Chair: Dieter Kranzlmüller Session C4 - Chair: Harald Kornmayer
 16:20 - 16:40 Virtualisation for Grid-Computing
Marcus Hardt
Presentation (PDF: 0.8MB)
Using Ant Colony Optimization for Collaborative (Re)Search in Data Grids
Uros Jovanovic, Jaka Mocnik, Bostjan Slivnik
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.3MB)
 16:40 - 17:00 GEMINI A Universal Monitoring Framework: Concept, Design, and First Prototype
Bartosz Balis, Marian Bubak, Jakub Dziwisz, Kuba Rozkwitalski, Slawomir Hurnik
Ontology Alignment and Ontology Similarity for Extension of Service Ontology in Grid Environment
Joanna Zieba, Renata Slota, Marta Majewska, Bartosz Kryza, Jacek Kitowski
 17:00 - 17:20 Simulation Method for Estimation of Security Overhead of Grid Applications
Wojciech Rzasa, Marian Bubak, Bartosz Balis, Tomasz Szepieniec
Presentation (PDF: 0.2MB)
LSF and SGE Interoperability Using Globus Toolkit 4
Kuba Rozkwitalski, Chris Wilk, Pawel Plaszczak
 19:30 Workshop Dinner
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
   8:30 -   9:00 Registration
   9:00 - 10:20 Session K2 - Chair: Marian Bubak
   9:00 -   9:40 Keynote lecture: e-Science and Grid - The Virtual Lab for e-Science Approach
Bob Hertzberger
Presentation (PowerPoint: 10.6MB)
   9:40 - 10:20 Keynote lecture: Placing the Semantic Grid on a Roadmap of Networked Organizations
Ziga Turk and M. Dolenc
 10:20 - 10:50 coffee
 10:50 - 11:50 Session I2 - Chair: Jacek Kitowski
 10:50 - 11:20 Invited lecture: UNICORE - Current Status and Future Developments
Piotr Bala
 11:20 - 11:50 Invited lecture: BalticGrid Project
Per Õster
Presentation (PowerPoint: 8.7MB)
 11:50 - 12:50 Session C5 - Chair: Ziga Turk
 11:50 - 12:10 Trust Establishment in Pervasive Grid Environments
Syed Naqvi, Michel Riguidel
Presentation (PowerPoint: 5.1MB)
 12:10 - 12:30 Learning Reliability Models of Grid Resource Supplying
Cyril Briquet, P.-A. de Marneffe
Presentation (PDF: 0.1MB)
 12:30 - 12:50 The German D-Grid Initiative
Harald Kornmayer
Presentation (PowerPoint: 3.2MB)
 12:50 - 14:10 lunch
 14:10 - 15:30 Session C6 - Chair: Per Öster Session C7 - Chair: Syed Naqvi
 14:10 - 14:30 The Grid-Embedded Interactive Jobs Invocation
Marcin Lawenda, Marcin Okon, Ariel Oleksiak, Bogdan Ludwiczak, Tomasz Piontek, Juliusz Pukacki, Norbert Meyer, Jaroslaw Nabrzyski, Dominik Stoklosa
Presentation (PDF: )
Organization of the International Testbed of the CrossGrid Project
J. Gomes and M. David and J. Martins and L. Bernardo and A. Garcia and M. Hardt and H. Kornmayer and J. Marco and R. Marco and D. Rodriguez and I. Diaz and D. Cano and J. Salt and S. Gonzalez and J. Sanchez and F. Fassi and V. Lara and P. Nyczyk and P. Lason and A. Ozieblo and P. Wolniewicz and M. Bluj and K. Nawrocki and A. Padee and W. Wislicki and C. Fernandez and J. Fontan and Y. Cotronis and E. Floros and G. Tsouloupas and W. Xing and M. Dikaiakos and J. Astalos and B. Coghlan and E. Heymann and M. Senar and C. Kanellopoulos and A. Tirado-Ramos
 14:30 - 14:50 DIDA, a Distributed Discovery Architecture for Grid Environments
Carlos de Alfonso, Miguel Caballer, Vicente Hernandez
Presentation (PowerPoint: 2.0MB)
VOCE - A Grid Environment for Central Europe
J. Chudoba, L. Fiala, J. Kmunicek, J. Kosina, D. Kouril, M. Lokajicek, L. Matyska, M. Ruda, J. Svec
Presentation (PDF: 0.6MB)
 14:50 - 15:10 Multi-Grid and Multi-VO Job Submission based on a Unified Computational Model
Gabriele Pierantoni, Oliver Lyttleton, David O'Callaghan, Geoff Quigley, Eamonn Kenny, Brian Coghlan
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.4MB)
Testing Grid Software: The Development of a Testing Framework for Collaborative Distributed Systems
Florian Urmetzer, Gareth J. Lewis, Vassil N. Alexandrov and Peter Kacsuk
 15:10 - 15:30 Practical Experiences with User Account Management in Clusterix
Michal Jankowski, Pawel Wolniewicz, Norbert Meyer
Presentation (PDF: 0.2MB)
Centralised Fabric Management for a National Grid Infrastructure
Stephen Childs, Brian Coghlan, David O'Callaghan, Geoff Quigley, John Walsh
 15:30 - 16:00 coffee
 16:00 - 17:20 Session C8 - Chair: Piotr Bala Session C9 - Chair: Marcus Hardt
 16:00 - 16:20 Steering and Interactive Visualization on the Grid Using the UNICORE Grid Middleware
K. Benedyczak, A. Nowinski, K.S. Nowinski, P. Bala
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.7MB)
Using the OCM-G for Performance Monitoring of GRID Superscalar Applications
Rosa M. Badia, Marian Bubak, Wlodzimierz Funika, Marcin Smetek
 16:20 - 16:40 Making the Best of Your Data - Offloading Visualization Tasks onto the Grid
Peter Praxmarer, Paul Heinzlreiter, Dieter Kranzlmueller, Wolfgang Kapferer, Sabine Schindler, Jens Volkert
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.8MB)
Services for Tracking and Archival of Grid Job Information
F. Dvorak, D. Kouril, A. Krenek, L. Matyska, M. Mulac, J. Pospisil, M. Ruda. Z. Salvet, J. Sitera, J. Skrabal, M. Vocu, P. Andretto, S. Borgia, A. Dorigo, A. Gianelle, M. Mordacchini, M. Sgaravatto, L. Zangrando, S. Andreozzi, V. Ciaschini, C. Di Giusto, F. Giacomini, V. Medici, E. Ronchieri, G. Avellino, S. Beco, A. Maraschini, F. Pacini, A. Terracina, A. Guarise, G. Patania, M. Marchi, M. Mezzadri, F. Prelz, D. Rebatto, S. Monforte, M. Pappalardo
Presentation (PDF: 0.4MB)
 16:40 - 17:00 Service Challenge Tests of LCG Grid Infrastructure for Large Hadron Collider Experiments at CERN
Andrzej Olszewski
Presentation (PDF: 1.2MB)
LCG-API: LCG-2 and GridSphere 2.0 Integration
Jakub Dziwisz, Pawel Plaszczak and GridwiseTech Team
 17:00 - 17:20 A "Plug and Play" CA for Grids
Martin Hoch, Bernd Schuller, Roger Menday
Building Grid Services Using Portlets and GPE Middleware
J. Jurkiewicz, K. Benedyczak, P. Bala
 17:30 - 18:30 Guest lecture: Security and Trust for the Grids
Syed Naqvi
Presentation (PowerPoint: 5.2MB)
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
   8:30 -   9:00 Registration
   9:00 - 10:40 Session K3 - Chair: Aleksander Kusznir
   9:00 -   9:40 Keynote lecture: International Computing e-Infrastructures, Past, Present and Future...
Fabrizio Gagliardi
Presentation (PowerPoint: 1.5MB)
   9:40 - 10:10 Invited lecture: Application Development and Execution on Grids
Lennart Johnsson
Presentation (PDF: 10.5MB)
 10:10 - 10:40 Distributed Multimedia Archive in Interactive Television (iTVP) Project
Pawel Pisarczyk, ATM S.A.
 10:40 - 11:10 coffee
 11:10 - 12:30 Session C10 - Chair: Lennart Johnsson
 11:10 - 11:30 Capability Languages in C-GMA
Ondrej Krajicek, Ales Krenek, Ludek Matyska, Miroslav Ruda, Jiri Sitera
Presentation (PDF: 0.2MB)
 11:30 - 11:50 Exploring OGSA Interoperability with LCG-based Production Grids for Biomedical Applications
Alfredo Tirado-Ramos, Derek Groen, Peter Sloot
 11:50 - 12:10 Towards Multiprotocol and Multilanguage Interoperability: Experiments with Babel and RMIX
Maciej Malawski, Daniel Harezlak, Marian Bubak
Presentation (PowerPoint: 0.8MB)
 12:10 - 12:40 Invited lecture: Fighting Cancer with the Grid
Jarek Nabrzyski
Presentation (PowerPoint: 5.4MB)
 12:40 - 12:50 Closing
 12:50 - 14:00 lunch
 15:00 - 19:30 Tutorial EGEE: EGEE gLite and CrossGrid Performance Tools
( AGH, Mickiewicza 30, pav. C-1, room 406, 4th floor )
Piotr Siwczak, Pawel Wolniewicz, Marcin Radecki, Tomasz Szepieniec