Main Organizer:
P a p e r s
and P r o c e e d i n g s
We encourage all potential CGW participants to present their research related to grid technology.
A presentation will be accepted on the basis of an abstract which should
- contain the title, authors and their affiliations,
- be ASCII text, from 40 to 50 lines,
- be sent to cgw04@cyfronet.krakow.pl before
November 15, 2004
Proceedings of the CGW'04 will be printed after the event, as it was for CGW'03;
papers will be accepted for Proceedings on the basis of evaluation of presentation
and the review of full papers.
F o r m a t t i n g R u l e s
Each paper, limited to 6 - 8 pages including all figures, tables and references, should be sent to
cgw04@cyfronet.krakow.pl before January 29, 2005.
D e a d l i n e s
Abstract submission
Acceptance notification
Early registration
Full paper - camera ready |
- November 15,
- November 26, - December 01,
- January 29, |
2004 2004 2004 2005 |