R e g i s t r a t i o n
On-line Form
Paper Form  (pdf, doc)
early registration
received before October 10, 2016
1000 PLN
late registration
received after October 10, 2016
1250 PLN
  (for participants who on day of their registration are less than 27 years old;
   a scanned copy of passport or id card is required )
early registration
received before October 10, 2016
750 PLN
late registration
received after October 10, 2016
950 PLN
The Workshop fee covers:
  • admission to all CGW'16 sessions
  • workshop materials
  • lunches and refreshments during the workshop
  • workshop dinner
  Workshop dinner for an accompanying person 120 PLN
    Method of Payment
By direct bank transfer to the account:
    Accountholder: ACK CYFRONET AGH
    ul. Nawojki 11, 30-950 Kraków, Poland
    Bank:Pekao S.A.
    ul. Pijarska 1, 31-015 Kraków, Poland
    Account No:  
    Transfer Name:  
    PL 11 1240 4722 1111 0000 4849 0168
    Bank charges are to be covered by the payer.

AGH University of Science and Technology
AGH University of Science
and Technology
ACC Cyfronet AGH
ACC Cyfronet AGH
Department of Computer Science AGH

Department of Computer
Science AGH