1. |
Introduction, motivation | |
Does the paper address interesting and important problem
Are the scientific objectives clearly explained |
0 - 3 0 - 3 |
2. |
State-of-the-art (related works) | |
Are the related works (previous CGW, FGCS, Grid Computing ...)
presented clearly, are the references up-to-date, sufficient and relevant? |
0 - 5 |
3. |
Description of the solution | |
Is the solution of the problem correct and is it presented
in a convincing way; is methodology desribed? |
0 - 10 |
4. |
Results | |
Are the results presented (tables, figures)? |
0 - 5 |
5. |
Conclusions and future work | |
Are the conclusions clearly spell out, do they summarize
the main scientific achievements? |
0 - 5 |
6. |
Readability | 0 - 5 |
"0" in any category means "reject" |
Accepted contributions may be presented at oral sessions or as a poster; this is an author's choice. The posters will be displayed all the conference time in the Venue 2. A Poster Contest will be organized during the conference.
More info about Posters...
Each oral presentation will be allotted 20 minutes.
All accepted short papers will be published in the CGW'15 Proceedings.