Patrick J.C. Aerts Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Strengthening the European eScience scene: PLAN-E, A Platform
of National eScience Centers in Europe |
Peter Brezany Brno University of Technology, Czech
Republic, and University of Vienna, Austria Optimized Management of BIG Data produced in Collaborative Life-Science and Health Care Research Environments |
Peter Coveney Department of Chemistry, University College London, UK Using Prometheus and PL-Grid to Predict the Properties of Nanomaterials and Drug Ranking in Personalised Medicine |
Tiziana Ferrari, Amsterdam, The Netherlands EGI: Status, Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Single Market Era |
Fabrizio Gagliardi
Barcelona SuperComputing Centre, Spain,
EU-ACM Europe Chair, Switzerland, and GS Scientific Institute, Italy
RDA, Research Data Alliance, a Worldwide Effort to Promote Open
Sharing and Preservation of Scientific Data |
Piotr Gawron Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, PAN,
Gliwice, Poland Tensor Networks a Language for Classical and Quantum Informatics |
Matti Heikkurinen Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Trends in Environmental Computing |
Rod Hose University of Sheffield, UK
The Virtual Physiological Human: Where Now and Where Next? |
Michael Lees Computational Science Lab, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Building, Calibrating and Validating Models of Human Crowds: A Complex Systems Approach |
Philippe Trautmann HPC & POD Sales Director, Europe, Hewlett-Packard
Is HPC/HPCDA Moving from a Capex to an Opex Model? An HP Vision |
Gregory V. Wilson Software Carpentry Foundation Software Carpentry: Lessons Learned |
Hai Zhuge Aston University, UK Mapping Big Data into Knowledge Space |