Krakow, Poland
N o v e m b e r  4-6, 2013
K e y n o t e     S p e a k e r s
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Big Process for Big Data
Fabrizio Gagliardi, ACM Europe Chairman
Grids and Clouds for Science, what we learned, where we are going...
Pierre Guisset, ERCIM Office Brussels
HPC, Grids, Clouds: A Research-to-Business perspective
Rod Hose, University of Sheffield, UK
VPH-Share: Computational tools and methods in Virtual Physiological Human Research
Cees de Laat, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Smart Cyber Infrastructure for Big Data processing
Ludek Matyska, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Users as research partners: towards next generation of e-infrastructure
Aljosa Pasic, Business Development Director, Atos Research & Innovation, Madrid, Spain
Certification and standardization in cloud security
Bernd Schuller, Federated Systems and Data Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
Next generation middleware for big data processing and federated computing
Andrzej M. Skulimowski, AGH Krakow and Progress & Business Foundation, Poland
Trends and Scenarios of Selected Advanced Information Technologies until 2025 - a Survey of Results of the IT Foresight Project SCETIST

AGH University of Science and Technology
AGH University of Science
and Technology
ACC Cyfronet AGH
ACC Cyfronet AGH
Department of Computer Science AGH

Department of Computer
Science AGH