K e y n o t e S p e a k e r s |
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Big Process for Big Data |
Fabrizio Gagliardi, ACM Europe Chairman Grids and Clouds for Science, what we learned, where we are going... |
Pierre Guisset, ERCIM Office Brussels
HPC, Grids, Clouds: A Research-to-Business perspective |
Rod Hose,
University of Sheffield, UK
VPH-Share: Computational tools and methods in Virtual Physiological Human Research |
Cees de Laat,
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Smart Cyber Infrastructure for Big Data processing |
Ludek Matyska,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Users as research partners: towards next generation of e-infrastructure |
Aljosa Pasic,
Business Development Director, Atos Research & Innovation, Madrid, Spain
Certification and standardization in cloud security |
Bernd Schuller,
Federated Systems and Data Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
Next generation middleware for big data processing and federated computing |
Andrzej M. Skulimowski,
AGH Krakow and Progress & Business Foundation, Poland
Trends and Scenarios of Selected Advanced Information Technologies until 2025 - a Survey of
Results of the IT Foresight Project SCETIST |