Krakow, Poland
N o v e m b e r  7–9, 2011

KEYNOTE Speakers
Steve Brewer, European Grid Initiative (EGI)
The impact of Virtual Research Communities on EGI's services and infrastructure
Ad Emmen, AlmereGrid, The Netherlands
The IDGF Road Map for using Desktop Grids in eScience
Pawel Gepner, Intel Technology Poland
The Datacenter of the Future – the road to Exascale
Tristan Glatard, CNRS-CREATIS, France
The Life-Science Grid Community: Applications, Services, VOs and Organization
Krzysztof Gozdz, Hewlett-Packard Polska
The Cloud. Implemented
Alfons Hoekstra, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Distributed Multiscale Computing, the MAPPER project
Rod Hose, University of Sheffield, UK
Virtual Physiological Human Research and Clinical Simulation Workflows
Enabled by the VPH-Share Infostructure
Rob Meijer, University of Amsterdam and TNO
Achievements of the UrbanFlod project
Jamie Shiers, CERN, Switzerland
WLCG – the First Two Years of LHC Data Taking, Processing and Analysis

O b j e c t i v e s   &   T o p i c s

The main objective of the Cracow Grid Workshops, initiated in 2001, is to support the community of researchers, developers, and practitioners who work in the fascinating field of e-Science applications and e-infrastructures.

CGW'11 will address the following topics:

e-Science, system-level science and collaborative applications
virtual laboratories and problem solving environments
distributed computing infrastructures, grids and clouds
knowledge in e-Science and DCI systems
virtual organizations and security aspects
resource management and scheduling
monitoring and information management
software engineering aspects
industrial and social implications

CGW'11 will be an opportunity to present scientific and technical achievements of the PL-Grid and main European e-infrastructures.


ACC Cyfronet AGH

ACC Cyfronet AGH
Institute of Computer Science AGH
Institute of Computer
Science AGH
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences